SD Master data

Master Data in SD –
Customer master data
Material master data
Customer material info records
Condition master records

Overview of Customer Master data

Master data are constant, and they are use for business transaction as datasource.

Several sources of data can be copied into a sales order or into another SD document. Most of them are default values that you can overwrite in the SD document, if necessary.

(Note: Control over the master data record is vitally important to ensure consistency in reporting & usage, that is why it is advisable to have master data creation and maintenance centralized and done in the same way across an organization to avoid inconsistency of input and interpretations)

Types of Master data are:
Ø  Customer Master -> forms basis for SD documents like Order, Info on Customers & partners (Info relates to Header Level of SD doc like order)
Ø  Material Master   -> forms basis for SD documents, info on materials are stored on this master (Info relates to Item Level of SD doc like order)
Ø  Vendor Master    -> forms basis for purchasing documents, info on suppliers are stored on this master
Ø  Assets Master     -> forms basis for Assets maintenance, info of companies Assets are stored on this master
Ø  Pricing Master    -> forms basis for Price maintenance, info of product/service prices are stored on this master

 Customer Master data:
-          Customer master contains 3 views as follows
    1. Genaral Data
    2. Sales area data
    3. Company code data

Note: Customer master data can not be deletedIt can only be marked for deletion, which is then archived, so system will delete from file after all dependent data has been deleted (Can be done for specific Sales area. To mark for deletion Tcode: VD05, To block customer Tcode: VD06)
Note: When you change a master data record after you have used it to created SD doc like order, the changes will not affect documents already created. But the exception is the address,. Address changes will affect all previously created documents.

Configuration of Customer Master Data: (Account groups customization as pre-requisite for creating customer master data records)
Typically SAP SD functional consultant will have to customize the customer master at least a little bit to suit the requirements of the project. SAP allows very little customization in terms of functionality to the customer master. Nevertheless, SAP allows full customization in the customer master in terms of fields (Hide, show, grey out fields, make fields mandatory, add fields etc). Also external interfaces like Interacting with external tax vendors like Vertex.

Note: For sales order processing, you need the mandatory partner functions sold-to party, ship to party, payer, Bill to party. They can differ from each other or can be identical (e.g.: sold to and ship to name & address can differ, also payment term fields for sold to & ship to can also differ)

Configuration inSPRO                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Menu Path is [ SPRO -> IMG -> Logistics General -> Business Partner -> Customers -> Control ]                                                                                    
Ø  Step 1: The control is defined at the customer account group level. So for a customer type of Sold-to -- 0001 , the fields can be customized.
Ø  Step 2: Customer master has 3 views (General, Sales, Company code) Double click the text in the Field status tab to customize the specific view.
Ø  Step 3: Fields in the customer master are grouped into “Status Group” e.g, Address contains all the fields related to the address data. Select field.
Ø  Step 4: Each field can have any of 4 statuses (Suppress, Required, Optional, Display) Change the radio button of field to any one of the 4 status.
Ø  Step 5: Create Number range and insert in account groups configuration. SD Number range Tcode: VN01, Indicate whether Interna or external

Note: A partner can play many roles in a business transaction. E.g. a sold to party can also act as payer, ship to and bill to (Partner determination proc.) SAP allows you to use Z & Y to denote specific customer configuration in Table TDKZ. E.g. You can change sold to 0001 into Z001

Database tables of Customer Master:
General: KNA1, Sales: KNVV, Company code: KNB1